3Rs principle
Let’s improve animal experiments together! Get insights on current challenges and approaches from peer scientists and develop new innovative solutions!

Young Minds
Get in contact with other international young scientists from (bio)informatics, biomedicine, biology, behaviour, and veterinary medicine in an innovative and inspiring setting!

4 days in Berlin
Participate in a interactive workshop with keynote lectures and teamwork. Explore the vibrant Berlin lifestyle during social events and form new scientific networks for the future!

Design Thinking
Be part of a diverse team to tackle challenges implementing the 3R in science! and develop sophisticated, innovative solutions together! Learn a new way of interactive creative teamwork and have fun!

August 23—26, 2022
Berlin (Germany)
Our ReThink3R 2.0 Summer School is designed for YOU – all early career scientists from various disciplines and countries who are interested in developing innovative solutions for the implementation of the 3Rs principle in biomedical research. According to Russell & Burch (1959) the 3R principle comprises the REPLACEMENT, REDUCTION and REFINEMENT of animals used in research. For the effective implementation of this 3R principle, the interdisciplinary combination of computer-assisted and cell biological approaches as well as behavioral-based methods for pain prevention in animal models is crucial. With our Summer School, we offer YOU a platform to inform yourself on an international level about current 3R topics in various disciplines and their translational implementation, to learn about new methods and develop new approaches and most importantly to network and just HAVE FUN! Our exciting 4-day program contains discipline-spanning keynote lectures from international experts, an interactive, creative Design Thinking Workshop (Let the competition begin!), amazing short talks by all participants and lots of social events with networking oppertunities!